
Increasing Concerns Over President Biden's Health: Insights from Medical Experts

Doctors are Growing Alarmed Over Biden’s Health

Nine medical professionals recently shared their views on President Biden’s health, and almost all expressed concerns that his symptoms might extend beyond the normal aging process. Since Joe Biden announced his presidential candidacy in 2019 at the age of seventy-six, questions about his age have persisted. Despite being a "transitional" figure, Biden has governed effectively, passing significant legislation. However, over the past year, apprehensions regarding his cognitive fitness have gained momentum and validity.

Reports from staff, donors, and officials have highlighted mental lapses. Special counsel Robert Hur referred to Biden as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" in his report on Biden’s handling of classified documents. A recent presidential debate performance, watched by over fifty million Americans, further fueled these concerns. Biden stumbled over numbers and words, often losing his train of thought, appearing unfocused, and requiring assistance from the First Lady to exit the stage.

Following the debate, Axios reported that Biden, now eighty-one, tends to tire and misspeak before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Biden himself acknowledged needing to "pace myself a little more." Supporters have attributed his performance to various factors such as jet lag, a cold, and a busy schedule, but these explanations are reminiscent of conversations about an elderly relative's ability to drive safely, not about a presidential candidate’s fitness to govern.

A Spectrum of Medical Opinions

In an attempt to understand Biden’s health better, I consulted nine doctors, including an internist, geriatricians, neurologists, and a neurosurgeon. Most of these doctors, politically left-leaning, from different parts of the country, ranging in age from their thirties to sixties, emphasized that diagnosing from afar is challenging. However, nearly all voiced concerns that Biden’s symptoms might indicate more severe cognitive issues or neurodegenerative conditions, advocating for a comprehensive evaluation for neurological disorders.

A neurologist from the West Coast remarked that Biden’s debate performance raised alarms among her colleagues. She stated, "All of us had a gut reaction that this is not normal."

Historical Context and Ethical Considerations

Presidential health has often been shrouded in secrecy. Historical instances include Grover Cleveland’s secretive surgery for an oral tumor and Woodrow Wilson’s stroke being hidden from the public, with his wife taking over many of his duties. Ronald Reagan’s cognitive decline during his second term also led to discussions about invoking the Twenty-fifth Amendment.

The ethical dilemma of discussing a public figure’s health is complex. In 1964, psychiatrists openly questioned Barry Goldwater’s mental fitness, leading to the establishment of the Goldwater Rule, which restricts psychiatrists from commenting on public figures they have not examined. Despite this, some physicians argue that they have a duty to warn the public about potential risks, as seen in discussions about Donald Trump’s mental fitness during his presidency.

Current Medical Evaluations and Public Perception

The President’s medical team has consistently reported that Biden does not show signs of a neurodegenerative condition. In February, Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, attributed his stiff gait to spinal arthritis and stated that a detailed neurological exam revealed no significant issues. However, details about cognitive assessments and specific imaging remain vague.

Public trust in Biden’s health is waning. His debate performance and subsequent reports have led to growing concerns among voters, with many believing it is time for him to step aside. A neurologist from New York remarked, "He’s fading in front of us. You don’t need to be a neurologist to see it."

Balancing Transparency and Privacy

The balance between transparency and privacy in discussing a president’s health is delicate. While it is intrusive to dissect someone’s health publicly, the stakes are higher when it involves a world leader. The public deserves clarity on Biden’s cognitive fitness, given its implications for national and global stability. Comprehensive neuropsychological testing could provide definitive answers, helping to address the public’s concerns.

In conclusion, while Biden’s administration has managed to achieve significant legislative success, the growing concerns about his cognitive health cannot be ignored. As the debate over his fitness for office continues, it underscores the need for a transparent and thorough evaluation to ensure that the nation’s leadership remains robust and capable.

Carlos Alves de Sousa
United Photo Press