
In a relationship, sex is no longer what matters most in married life

Lasting, cohesive relationships have one thing in common: 
they don't make sex the central theme of commitment.
With the arrival of quarantines in Europe and around the world, Relationships Scotland released its latest report on love relationships. In The Way We Are Now 2020, the company reveals that sex is by no means the only important aspect of a relationship after the pandemic that crosses the continents like rockets.

More than half of the respondents 65% confessed that they did not perform the sexual act during the month prior to the survey, sex is no longer the most important aspect in a relationship, moving to third place and behind honesty of communication and love.
The Daily Record tells that it is the words affection and attitudes that matter most in life as a couple and as a family.

Sex, although discarded by more than 65%, was only placed in the first position by less than a third of the respondents, while honesty was fundamental for 70% and communication for 67%. With regard to the type of relationship, 57% confessed to wanting a commitment, in which there must be a sharing of problems, mainly with regard to money, a factor that the 51% of Scottish respondents classified as the main theme of stress among the couple especially at this stage of being together every day.

In addition to this honest communication, respondents also said that marriage is an important sign of unity and only 15% said they believed that a marriage was able to survive an episode of betrayal just as divorces are currently on the shelf.

The survey in question was carried out with 1.5 million people on four continents and also addressed issues such as future work, family and friendship.

Carol Mercedes
Pink Hot Publisher / United Photo Press Magazine